Sidik.Org Isu Semasa When a friend/family/relative become a “businessman”

When a friend/family/relative become a “businessman”

Sometime, it is some sort of disgusting, when a relative or a friend become a networking businessman (Direct Selling, MLM, skim cepat kaya etc.) . Some of them will start to look and treat us as a new business prospect instead of as a friend or relative. They will talk about their business all over the time until we register with them.

Regarding this, I have an experience a few years ago, in an appreciation dinner for an event that was successfully organized. The dinner organizer was inviting an ustaz for giving some tazkirah. The tazkirah began with the important of business as a Muslim, sounds good.. then at the end it came out that the ustaz was promoting shaklee for the rest of his Tazkirah, siap bawak brochures tu..hmmmmm

Not to hurt any MLM business practitioner out there.. do your business as you want as long as it is Halal, but please look your friend as a friend, not as an opportunity to make money…hehe

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