This year we are celebrating Eidul Adha on the road. My mother-in-law home at Pekan still flooded, now one week already, Tomorrow morning after solat Eidul Adha, we will return
I still remember one of the point I got when I was attending my pre-marriage course last year. There was a ceramah about live as family by Ustazah Yamimah. She
Seekor unta dalam dilemma Kesal hidupnya menjadi unta Ingin rasanya nak tukar rupa Tak tahu nak jadi apa..? Lalu si unta pergi mengembara Ke Padang pasir hala tujunya Mengharap akan
Eeeee… sidik bucuk.. okla tu da lagi air utk wuduq, xyah tayamum… dah da air ke blum
pagi tadi dah ade dah,alhamdulillah