Sidik.Org Aktiviti,Isu Semasa Inderapura Country Resort, Pekan, Pahang

Inderapura Country Resort, Pekan, Pahang

Aku dah book inderapura country resort, pekan pahang dari beberapa bulan yang lepas (bulan 2 tak silap aku) untuk accommodation keluarga aku mase majlis walimah nanti, book 4 bilik vip (satu tu ade 2 bilik, jadi total 8 bilik)
rate vip room RM120 (2 bilik), standard room RM70 (1 bilik)

2 minggu lepas, aku call resort tu, confirmkan .tetiba dia cakap, dia boleh provide 2 bilik vip, so 4 bilik lagi , standard room.. so ok la, acceptable..

Tetiba hari ni, orang resort tu call aku, inform semua bilik VIP dah penuh, ade datuk dah book, tak tau la datuk mane :tumbuk:. so kene la book 8 bilik standard.. maknenye dah lari le budget… hmm, I am considering to cancel the booking and find another place.. :monyet:

tak kesah la orang tu datuk ke nenek ke, sape book dulu patutnye bagi preference dulu. what sort of sick mentality by some of our citizen 😮

12 thoughts on “Inderapura Country Resort, Pekan, Pahang”

  1. itu cerita lama kan, sekarang dah ok kot. saya sekeluarga baru bercadang nak stay kat resort ni, any advise

  2. weiii…aku laa yg book sumer bilik hr2, padan muka ko…wakaka..lari budget….kuikuikui..

  3. salam semue….saye baru jer pegi last week nak tempah for my relative wed….that’s true, what sidik said….their staff refused to accept any payment for book @ whatever la….maybe because of this reason i think just now….so sad if it gonna be happen to my relative……mane boleh wat kat org camtu, mmg skrg management baru….so bad if that really happen….maybe kite rase lega x payah deposit untuk book….but actually that’s no good…because our reservation boleh cancel anytime….thanks for ur info….

  4. skrg ni dah ok management…confem tiada hal mcm ni lgi…

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